Wednesday 9 July 2014


Hello everyone!

Today I'm posting last time before going on holiday! But don't think that I won't work on my project during this time. I'm off till 27.07, and will be painting my Khador at the lake side! I'm also going to test new board game I got for this holiday. It's Small World. I hope this game is as good as the reviews ;)

Models I'm taking with me to try and paint:
-Butcher 3
-Alexia, 20 Risens and 3 Thralls
-Last Nyss Hunter
-20 Press Gangers
-Bosun Grogspar
-Doc Killingsworth
-First Mate Hawk
-10 WGI + 3 Rockets
- Ayianna & Holt

I myself wonder how many models I will be able to paint during this 2,5 week :)

I'm also preparing myself for the first Steamroller with Khador. It will be 25 pts local tournament. So far I came up with the following list:

Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed (*4pts)

* Beast-09 (11pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Press Gangers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile (2pts)

The main idea of this list is to deliver Butcher to anything that can harm him in any way and make him kill it. Press Gangers make for a great tarpit unit but I still can't decide if i need some pirate solos support or I can stick with Widowmakers. Eiryss, is a tech for every upkeep that can make Butcher less effective. Beast 09 is a great jack because of his running for free and being able to kill a lot with his charge. When Butcher is endangered he can send Beast 09 for the kill with energizer and 3 FOC. 

So, have a nice time during your holiday! Now I'm going to cheer for Netherlands to advance to finals of World Cup 2014!

Friday 4 July 2014

My first lists to test (and some Strakhov theorymachine)

So, today I'm going to post two lists im going to test in the nearest future. I decided to try and base on models I own, and minimize the amount of models I would need to get, but still build as effective lists as possible.

So far from caster I only own

- Butcher 3
- eSorscha
- Karchev
- pVladimir
- Zerkova
- Strakhov

From the beginning I decided to eliminate Karchev and Zerkova, because even tough they are very fun casters to play they fill the small gap of match-ups while building for 2 list steamrollers I'm going to need two lists that are all-rounders with some techs against different army lists.

Strakhov is a caster i have considered for a long time because he is very underestimated one. He has one of the best spell lists in Khador and his feat is often used wrong to make extra fast models, super extra fast. This feat shines with slow models to make them fast. For example normally SPD 4 Beast 09, becomes a monster with +4" of charge movement and charge for free. Occultation is a spell that makes all your infantry or support much more dependent and harder to kill. Strakhov so far has the best non-linear melee assassination option out of all Khadorean warcasters. Overrun combined with superiority and feat give you Beast 09 charging across half of the board and hitting very precisely due to Superiority. Release of Andrei Malakov gives your army new possibilities by adding another dangerous jack with Red Line that can assassinate enemy warcaster or hunt their anti heavy tech. Sentry is a great spell combined with mortar to get some interaction during opponents turn. It's great how this model under sentry can shoot each turn and clear enemy non armored models.

This is the list i considered if i chose Strakhov as my main caster:

Kommander Strakhov (*6pts)

* Beast-09 (11pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt) (3pts)
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Kovnik Andrei Malakov (3pts)
* Spriggan (10pts)
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich (2pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)

I'm definitely going to test it one day, but i realized that even with the toolkit he offers the learning curve with him is very big, and i should learn how to use separately how to use models in his army to be able to combine it together with great effect.

You will probably wonder why i also dropped pVladimir at this point. There are two reasons. First is that i want to run under him Conquest very much because i see great potential here due to feat and S&P, second is that my main list is going to be Butch3r and he has so far Valachev that i would need also in Vlads list, I came up with.

So as you probably now know I'm going to learn how to play and paint lists for eSorscha and Butch3r. I guess i took a non ordinary point of view on those two casters and built two lists that i hope don't look common and bring something new to the metagaming. I'm going to write more tomorrow about the lists but here they are:

Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed (*4pts)

* Devastator (9pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Alexia Ciannor & the Risen (Alexia and 9 Risen Grunts) (5pts)
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (Cylena and 9 Grunts) (10pts)
* Koldun Kapitan Valachev (2pts)
Press Gangers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Press Gangers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Bosun Grogspar (2pts)
Doc Killingsworth (2pts)
First Mate Hawk (2pts)
Lord Rockbottom (2pts)
Man-o-war Drakhun (with dismount) (5pts)
Saxon Orrik (2pts)

Forward Kommander Sorscha (*6pts)

* Behemoth (13pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Winter Guard Infantry (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard (2pts)
* 2 Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeers (2pts)
Kovnik Andrei Malakov (3pts)
* Beast-09 (11pts)
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich (2pts)

Thursday 3 July 2014

361 Day Challange! What this blog will be about?

Hello everyone!

At the beginning i would like to thank everyone for coming to my blog and welcome you here! I'm taking a challenge thrown by my friends and my girlfriend to run steamroller games all year with one faction, have it fully painted and score a high spot at 2015 Polish Masters!

As a former Press Ganger coming back for the spot i used to rotate armies very often and many players here in Poland know me from playing in one season up to even 5 different armies trading them with other players. That's why my closest friends and my greatest girlfriend challenged me to play one army and have it FPA.

I've had recently nearly 2 year break from WarmaHordes that's why I am going to need much practice to get back all the lost skill and experience. After coming back i bought from friend nearly complete Circle army and from some people getting rid of their armies at nice price Khador. I've had some mercenaries models and i collected also Durgen's list for fun. 

Knowing myself and my army change syndrome i told my girlfriend to decide which army is going on the shelf and which one is going to be played and painted throughout this year. Knowing we don't have many active Khador players while there are some playing Circle, and enjoying Khador minis more she told me im playing Khador this year. 

So, what will be posted here?
  • Battle reports from my games, my fails, steamrollers (any Polish friends who want to help me with my training are welcome!)
  • I will post photos of painted miniatures and answer every question about modeling and painting.
  • I will post tutorials of things you would like to see. If you like my basing, assembling, preparing of a miniature. (first one will be about creating box without shadow to improve quality of photos that i also need to make for myself) 
  • I will post my army lists and talk why i decided for models.
  • You will be informed about my progress in steamrollers ;)
  • Reports from tournaments around Poland I'm going to participate.
  • Sometimes i will be talking about my view on new releases and rumors especially for Khador.
I have already decided on two lists I'm going to train first and see how they fit my play style and how they cover different match-ups. I will post them soon and talk a bit about them ;)

Hope I interested you with this short article and you will come back soon to see and read more! If you have any comments/questions/requests post them below!

Here are some miniatures i already painted and will be used in my army (despite Xerxis i painted just for fun). Generally this will be the color scheme I'm going to use.